Provide primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention of violence. Spread the culture of peace and crime prevention from childhood with tools that contribute to the construction of a life, safety, freedom, justice, and education
Provide primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention of violence. Spread the culture of peace and crime prevention from childhood with tools that contribute to the construction of a life, safety, freedom, justice, and education
Reduce the primary form of violence by boosting education and building a life project with better opportunities.
Promote knowledge of the law, in order to generate a culture of legality and unrestricted respect for human rights.
Foster and strengthen essential values (honesty, respect, caring, trust, solidarity) and critical thinking for the formation of committed, caring, and educatedcitizensthat will transform their lives, families, and community.
Viccali’s care model has its origin in systemic thinking based on competencies and accumulated knowledge. It is an ecological model that includes Microsystem, Mesosystem, Exosystem, and Macrosystem. Evolution in childhood is understood as a process of progressive differentiation of the activitiesand the interactions with the environment.
The project is located within the Framework of Human Rights, the Culture of Peace, and contemplates gender equality in a transversal way.
Agreement with the school, teamwork strengthening, material preparation, initial diagnosis, program developement, intermediate evaluation, program continuation, final evaluation, systematization, and results delivery.